What is Hydrocarbon Extraction?

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Hydrocarbon extraction is a method used to extract cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and terpenes from cannabis plant material. It has become a widely popular extraction method for cannabis refinement in recent years, due to its low cost, efficiency, and extraction quality, as compared to alternative methods. The hydrocarbon extraction technique involves the…

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Butane Extraction: Using Blended Solvents for the Best BHO

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Utilizing a blend of butane and propane, i.e. “blended solvents”, can provide your butane extraction process with the capability to skillfully manipulate the quality and consistency of your output product, including the creation of BHO. Best Solvent Blend for Butane Extraction Many top extraction producers opt for a 70% butane/30% propane blend for shatter and…

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Modern Grower: Cannabis Concentrates with Precision Extraction Solutions

Modern Grower & Precision Extraction are here to give you the scoop! Shatter, wax, and other concentrates represent one of the fastest-growing product lines in the cannabis market, but few people understand how high-end extractions actually take place. In the second installment of Modern Grower, series host Felix Fang (Sex + Munchies) crisscrosses the country…

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Blast-Proofing: Cannabis Extractors Face Increasing Regulations

Blast-proofing is key in the face of increasing regulation. Learn more in this article by Nick Tennant, as featured in Marijuana Venture Magazine, October 15, 2015. Increasing Regulation When industries thrive, business gets regulated. Depending on where you operate or plan to operate your extraction business, regulation is either here or it’s on the way.…

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