Precision Extraction Equipment Certifcations
Meet compliance and safety requirements with ease. Safety and compliance are paramount to operating worry-free in extraction, so Precision has ensured our equipment is fully certified for all jurisdictions in the United States. Precision is also one of the few US-based extraction equipment manufacturers to provide Canadian processors with compliant, CRN registered hydrocarbon extraction systems.

Precision's Equipment Certifications to Date
Please contact us directly if you have specific questions or needs regarding equipment compliance.

Pressure Safety Inspectors
Primary cannabis extraction equipment is required to be engineering peer reviewed. Design review performed by a professional engineer, like PSI, ensures compliance with the relevant codes in a jurisdiction.
All Precision Extraction Solutions equipment is PSI certified and compliant in all 50 states.

Canadian Registered Number
An identification number that is used to identify pressure containing components in Canada and meets CSA standard B51. In order to purchase any cannabis extraction equipment containing pressurized parts in Canada, your manufacturer must have a CRN certification.
Registered equipment includes:
X10 MSE Extractor
X40 MSE Extractor

Intertek Certified
Equipment containing electrical components has been reviewed and verified to the UL standards UL 61010-1/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1.

UL Listed Components
Equipment containing components that have been evaluated for conformance to UL standards.
Equipment which includes UL Listed components includes:
C-15 Centrifuge
C-40 Centrifuge
ASE 100 Solvent Evaporator

The most relevant ASME codes for cannabis extraction equipment are for pressure vessels and pressure piping often found in your primary hydrocarbon extraction systems.
Certified equipment includes:
PX1 Extractor
X10 MSE Extractor
X40 MSE Extractor
XMOD Extractor
The equipment & expertise you need
to succeed!

Extraction Compliance 101: Rules & Regulations
Need help understanding all the acronyms, codes, and applicable regulations? We've got you covered in this easy to understand and comprehensive guide to extraction compliance.